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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 02:45 PM IST

Kottayam: Cop lands in soup after boozy concert in toddy shop

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Cop lands in soup after boozy concert in toddy shop

Karukachal (Kottayam): Holiday revelry has landed a cop in soup at Vakathanam. The driver at the Vakathanam police station is nursing more than a hangover after a musical evening at the local toddy shop on Friday night.

The cop let loose of his creative juices after downing several bottles of toddy. He started thumping the desk and singing to his heart’s content. Now, the toddy shop manager, like his ilk everywhere else, was a bit wary about the commotion.

He wanted the cop to stop his unsolicited concert. The singer was irritated of course but the manager eventually persuaded him to stay silent.

Not one to take incursions into his “rights” lightly, the cop returned to the manager’s house at night. He restarted his concert, which turned out to be a shower of expletives.

The manager had enough of the performance. He complained to the superintendent of police, who transferred the erred cop to the armed police camp.

Vakathanam circle inspector Manoj Kumar has submitted a report to the superintendent, recommending disciplinary actions against the wannabe singer.

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