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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:38 AM IST

Actress Lalitha Kumari's niece, a plus two student, goes missing

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Actress Lalitha Kumaris' niece, a plus two student, goes missing

Chennai: Tamil actress Lalitha Kumari on Friday said her niece had gone missing. The girl, Abrina, is the daughter of Lalitha Kumari and Disco Shanthi's brother.

The actress broke down at a press meet convened in this regard. The actress was accompanied by the girl's mother, Sheryl. The plus two student, Abrina, had gone to the school on September 6 but did not return. A police investigation was under way and the CCTV footage at the school was being examined.

Actress Lalitha Kumaris' niece, a plus two student, goes missing  Lalitha Kumari (R) and Abrina's mother

The actress who appeared before the media appealed to society to find the girl and turned emotional while explaining the girl's details. Lalitha Kumari is the ex-wife of actor Prakash Raj. She had exited the film world soon after marriage.

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