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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:22 AM IST

Where are the Lake Palace documents? Alappuzha collector raps municipal authorities

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Where are the Lake Palace documents? Alappuzha collector raps municipal authorities T.V Anupama

Alappuzha: District collector T.V Anupama has asked the municipal authorities to submit the documents related to the construction of Lake Palace Resort owned by transport minister Thomas Chandy. The collector has been asked to submit a detailed report to the revenue department on the land transactions related to the resort.

The files on the construction permit of the resort were found to be missing by the municipal authorities earlier. An attempt to find the files after transferring the officers in the department went in vain. The district authorities are of the opinion that the final report cannot be prepared without the files.

The files were not mentioned in the report submitted earlier by Ambalappuzha land revenue additional tahsildar K. Ajithkumar. He was also asked to rewrite this report.

It was alleged that Chandy had reclaimed land in three areas for the construction of a road up to his resort. Anupama and team recently conducted an investigation on the Lake Palace premises.

Tahsildar submitted the report along with the sketches, transfer documents and other measurements. The revenue department is waiting for the final report from the collector before taking any action.

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