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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 03:00 AM IST

Fish bone removed from respiratory track of 3-year-old after two months

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Fish bone removed from respiratory track of 3-yr-old after two months  Representational image

Thiruvananthapuram: A fish bone, which got embedded in the respiratory track of a 3-year-old baby girl causing breathlessness for about two months, was removed by doctors at a government hospital here in a surgical procedure.

The child, Arushi, has been discharged from the SAT Hospital, part of the government medical college hospital, where the procedure was performed on August 16, hospital sources said Friday.

Parents of the child said since the past two months she had been suffering from breathlessness. Though she was taken to various hospitals in Kollam and in the state capital, she did not get any relief.

The parents then brought her to the SAT Hospital where an X-ray examination revealed that there was some obstruction in her respiratory track. A team of doctors then performed 'bronchoscopy' under anesthesia and identified the obstruction as fish bone and removed it, relieving the child of the breathing trouble.

'The big fish bone had blocked almost 50 percent of the trachea (wind pipe). There was inflammation of the respiratory track due to which it had to be carefully removed', hospital sources said.

The baby used to take food on her own and would have inadvertently swallowed the fish bone, they added.

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