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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 12:18 PM IST

Body of missing girl Sana Fathima found in rivulet

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Body of missing girl Sana Fathima found in river Sana Fathima

Rajapuram, Kasaragod: The body of the four-year-old girl, Sana Fathima, who had gone missing from Bappunkayam Colony at Panathur, was found on Wednesday.

Local people found the body in a rivulet near her house. The girl had gone missing on Thursday and was thought to have slipped into a drain in front of her house. Her slippers and umbrellas were found near it.

A contingent of the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) was rushed to Panathur village Tuesday to search for Sana as the search operations entered fifth day.

Heavy rain had filled up the drain in front of the house. A search was carried out in the nearby Chandragiri river Thursday until 8.30 pm but there was no trace of the child. The search operation resumed on Friday and continued late into the night but to no avail.

The Fire and Rescue Services and the Indian Coast Guard had also searched in the river for three days. SDRF assistance was sought after this.

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