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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 01:39 PM IST

Police need not be hairstylists: Behera hits out at moral policing by cops

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Loknath Behera Kerala police chief Loknath Behera speaks at the state meet of Kerala Police Association in Kozhikode on Saturday. TV grab

Kozhikode: Taking strong exception to the moral policing tendencies in Kerala police, which apparently claimed a teenager's life recently, state police chief Loknath Behera on Saturday said cops need not interfere in people's choice of hairstyles.

Making it clear that moral policing was unwarranted, Behera said individuals had the freedom to choose their hairstyle.

He was speaking at the state conference of the Police Officers Association here. He was reacting to the incident in which a 19-year-old dalit boy committed suicide allegedly after police torture and harassment. Vinayakan, who was taken into custody from Pavaratty in Thrissur, was compelled to go for a haircut as the police was unhappy with his hairstyle.

The incident triggered a furore among activists who accused the police of being prejudiced and biased on the basis of one's looks.

Read more: Latest Kerala news | Youth, on police radar for Jisha murder, ends life

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