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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:47 AM IST

Kerala tribal woman gives birth in auto in the middle of the forest

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Kerala tribal woman gives birth in auto in the middle of the forest Anu and her new-born child

Kothamangalam: Caught in the middle of the forest and wreathing in birth pangs, a young adivasi mother gave birth to her daughter in an auto.

The 23-year-old woman, from Muthuvanpara, Inchanthotti, was pregnant with her second child and was under treatment at the Taluk Hospital up till a week ago.

In the early hours of Friday, Anu suddenly developed birth pangs and was rushed to the hospital.

Anu's husband Sudheesh and the auto driver Aji hurriedly took the woman to the hospital via the Inchanthotti- Neryamangalam road. It was then that they encountered a fallen tree that was blocking their way near Mezhukkumali. Leaving the mother in the auto, the father and the auto driver set to work, hastily clearing the road.

Suddenly, they heard the cries of the baby and rushed Anu to the nearest Primary Health Center at Neryamangalam. The mother and child are under care and their vitals are reportedly stable.

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