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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 10:44 AM IST

Kerala police don’t want to turn Nadhirshah into an approver

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Kerala police don’t want to turn Nadhirshah into an approver File photo of Dileep and Nadhirshah

Kochi: The Kerala police are leaving no stones unturned to prove that actor Dileep was behind the highway attack on an actress in February, but director Nadhirshah as an approver is the last thing the prosecution wants.

The investigating team has rejected the legal advice to include Nadhirshah as an approver to bolster the case, considering the long association and close relations between the actor and the director. If Nadhirshah turns hostile during the trial, he could endanger the entire prosecution case.

The police have accused Dileep of criminal conspiracy, a charge that could draw the same punishment as the resulting offense under section 120B of the Indian Penal Code. Since the accused face a charge of gang rape which could be punished with imprisonment of up to 20 years, the court is likely to analyze the evidence threadbare.

The IPC 120B section is one of the toughest to prove for the prosecution in cases where the accused is not directly involved in the crime. Each piece of evidence and every witness testimony become crucial. The prosecution cannot afford to have a witness who has a chance of turning hostile during the trial.

Dileep was arrested on Monday for plotting the attack of the actress and videotaping her torment on February 17 in a moving car near Angamaly.

He was nailed by main accused Suni’s statements and other circumstantial evidence. Though Dileep and Nadhirshah had earlier complained that Suni was trying to blackmail them, the police could see through the actor’s claims.

The police acted with caution before arresting the celebrity. A senior member of the investigating team had sought legal advice on the case. The legal consultant went through more than 10 pieces of scientific evidence and the testimonies of five witnesses before suggesting that the police try to get an approver on their side.

Nadhirshah’s name was touted as a candidate but the team has second thoughts on the idea.

The police team is preparing to net more people in the case for conspiring, destroying evidence, protecting the accused, misleading the investigators, withholding information and stopping the police from discharging their duties.

Read more: Latest news from Kerala | Looking for a handcuff on Dileep? It’s not that filmy in real world

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