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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 10:40 AM IST

The 2-part, 25-hour grilling that forced Dileep to confess

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 The 2-part, 25-hour grilling that forced Dileep to confess Dileep

Kochi: The mastermind behind the brutal assault on the actress was cornered by the Kerala police following a 25-hour questioning spread over two days.

On June 28, actor Dileep was subjected to a 13-hour grilling while on Monday the interrogation lasted about 12 hours. It is learned that Dileep confessed to the crime around noon on Monday. Based on his revelations, the investigating team has hinted at more arrests in the coming days.

The statements of Dileep’s wife and actress Kavya Madhavan, and her mother Shyamala would be recorded as part of the investigation, an officer said.

The cops gathered crucial information from Dileep during the questioning by making him believe that the entire procedure was to collect evidence in the petition filed by him against Pulsar Suni, the main accused. It was Crime Branch IG Dinendra Kashyap who led the Monday’s crucial interrogation. Though Kashyap was not part of the team which questioned Dileep on June 28, it is learned that the grilling was based on the questions prepared by him.

CI Biju Poulose was in charge of the team which was assigned to prevent any effort to leak probe details. He also monitored the activities of the accused in the prison and collected vital evidence from them.

The 48-year-old Dileep, charged with conspiracy in the sensational case, was arrested on Monday, nearly four months after the heinous crime. Six days after the attack, the police had arrested Pulsar Suni, who had worked as a driver for various film personalities.

The police arrested Dileep after Pulsar Suni's revelations in the case. The police were able to find evidence to prove that Dileep had direct links to Suni.

Read more: Latest news on KeralaHow Kerala cops' meticulous probe of 81 days drove Dileep into the trap

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