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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:24 PM IST

Cardinal Dias, an embodiment of spiritual depth

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Cardinal Dias, an embodiment of spiritual depth

Mumbai: There was a 'depth of spirituality' in cardinal Ivan Dias, former archbishop of Mumbai, Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum, has said. Cardinal Dias passed away in Rome on Monday.

"When he was appointed archbishop, many of us did not know him too well... since he had been involved with the diplomatic services for the Vatican, but as soon as we encountered him we could see in him the depth of his spirituality and his love for his priests," Joseph Dias said.

"His first projects were the development of the Clergy Home and the Seminary. He came across as a no-nonsense leader, demanding accountability from his priests while being generous in his love for them," he said.

"I had the wonderful opportunity of serving as the secretary of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council for three years and it was during that time I was able to see the humane, gentle, spiritual and strong side of him," he said.

"He loved youth. I know how excited he was meeting them, sometimes even playing the guitar to sing his favorite song Telephone to Glory," said Dias.

"With his death the church has lost a brilliant and endearing prince," he added.

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