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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:36 PM IST

35k copies per hour: govt brings in Rs 9-crore units to expedite textbook printing

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Kakkanad: The Kerala Books and Publication Society (KPBS), which prints school textbooks, has commissioned two new printing units. KPBS managing director Tomin Thachankary, who commissioned the units at a function at KPBS, said textbook printing will now gain double speed. The two Manugraph Cityline Express offset units cost Rs 9 crore.

The printing speed is 35,000 copies per hour. The units were purchased using the funds of KPBS itself. The units can print 32 pages of four colors at the same time.

The first volume of textbooks for the new academic year were printed at KPBS. It took six months, whereas the new facility helps to complete such printing within three months. Schools require 2.41 crore textbooks for the second term. All three shifts will work in four units and finish the work in three months.

The KPBS authorities said that the printing of 35 lakh information technology textbooks for 1 to 7 classes is under way.

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