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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:44 PM IST

The cow who bit a dog (no, it’s not a typing error)

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Kozhikode: The cow was a meek animal until Sunday. The cow thought so. Even the dog thought so.

The Labrador decided to have a wild day out when he yanked off his chain and went on a rampage. But he chose the wrong cow to chew on. Ammini the bovine was grazing in the field at Cherukulathoor when the dog targeted her.

The terrified cow fled to the safety of her master’s house, snapping her tether, with the attacker on hot pursuit. She got into the cowshed but the dog did not relent.

Read: SC summons people’s representatives and others for culling stray dogs

That’s when the unthinkable happened. Ammini bit the dog’s head, his muzzle safe inside her mouth, in an apparent attempt of self-defense.

Now it was the Labrador’s turn to panic. The writhing dog mass spooked Ammini further. She ran off with the dog in her mouth. Her owners and neighbors who ran after her to rescue her were shocked to see that it was the dog who needed rescuing.

Ammini let off her attacker after a half-a-kilometer run. The dog swaggered away after the near-death experience.

The five-year-old Ammini survived the nightmarish experience with a small bruise on her leg and tufts of dog hair in her mouth, said her owner Vinod Kumar. She has been vaccinated against rabies.

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