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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:32 AM IST

'Apparitions' walk the road, scare away road-users

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'Apparitions' walk the road, scare away road-users Image for representation only. iStock

Pullad (Pathanamthitta): The scenes are straight out of a spooky movie - long white walking figures tread causally on the road in the dead of the night. As vehicles pass by, the white-bodied figures lung towards it, causing drivers and riders to lose control of their vehicles and topple over.

Such incidents have been reported by commuters of the Pullad-Kumbanad regions, near Tiruvalla in Pathanamthitta. Locals said the 'ghosts' made their entry well past midnight. They moved about making shrill noises, messages circulating on WhatsApp quoted local residents as saying.

Anyhow, no harm has been caused to anyone as of now. People have been seeking increased police patrolling in these areas.

No complaints, say police

Meanwhile, officers at Koipuram police station said they have not received any complaint over the issue. They said the videos circulating in social media are believed to be old and shot somewhere in the Gulf.

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