


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:04 AM IST

How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix

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How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix Forest department officials trap a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' in Palakkad. Manorama

Palakkad: A reign of terror has come to an end in Agali in Palakkad district with the forest department capturing a rogue wild elephant, which had killed seven people over the past five years, on Tuesday. The department drew up a plan to capture the animal after the fear of the killer pachyderm turning up from nowhere overshadowed the lives of those on forest fringes.

The forest departments of Tamil Nadu and Kerala pressed into service "kumki" (tamed elephants) - 'Kunju' and 'Pramukha' from Kerala; and 'Sujay' and 'Vijay' from Mudumalai Tiger Reserve in Nilgiris district.

When the tusker came near a river Tuesday morning, forest department staff tranquilized the animal. The "kumkis" then nudged the elephant to move into a lorry kept ready.

How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix To trap the tusker, two "kumkis"(tamed elephants) were brought from TN and Kerala.
How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix The elephant being forced to enter a vehicle. Manorama

The elephant had become a nightmare for people in tribal villages of Anaikatti in Tamil Nadu and Sholayur and Agali in Kerala.

How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix The rogue elephant shifted to the vehicle.

The tusker was then taken to the elephant shelter and training center at Kodanad.

How Kerala & TN officials captured a rogue elephant with the help of 'kumkis' | Pix The rogue elephant safe in the confines of a temporary cage. Manorama
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