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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:43 PM IST

Kerala's ambitious K-FON project: govt to give free Internet, mobile phones to poor

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Kerala's ambitious K-FON project: govt to give free Internet, mobile phones to poor

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government is planning to provide free Internet connections to 20 lakh poor families in the state.

Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan told the state assembly in a written reply that the initiative is being implemented under the new optic fibre pathway, 'Kerala Fibre Optic Network' (K-FON).

"Kerala government is planning to launch K-FON system. It is envisaged to provide free Internet connection to 20 lakh families as part of the new fibre network," he said.

Besides free Internet connection, the government has also plans to distribute free mobile phones to poor families under the initiative, he said.

The proposals had already been mentioned in the ruling LDF's election manifesto and the state's draft IT policy.

However, the fund for the project is yet to be earmarked, the chief minister added.

Finance minister T.M. Thomas Isaac in the budget for the year 2017-18, had proposed to provide 20 lakh free Internet connections to as many poor families and Internet services at a lower rate for the others.

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