Can curd make you lose or gain weight? Tips for eating it right

How to make fresh curd at home
Photo: Shutterstock/Indian Food Images

Curd, or yogurt, is a favourite in many diets around the world. But when it comes to weight management, some wonder if curd helps shed pounds or if it could actually lead to weight gain. Let’s explore the benefits, potential pitfalls, and how to incorporate curd into your diet for your specific weight goals.

Curd is rich in protein, calcium, and probiotics—making it a great choice for those seeking both nutrition and taste. However, the effects of curd on weight management largely depend on how much and how often it’s consumed, as well as the type of curd chosen. The calorie and fat content of curd can vary, with full-fat varieties containing more calories than low-fat or fat-free options.

Can curd help with weight loss?
Yes, curd can aid weight loss for several reasons. Here’s how to incorporate it for the best results:

  • Opt for plain, low-fat curd
    Stick to plain, unsweetened, low-fat, or Greek yogurt, which is higher in protein and lower in sugar than flavoured options.
  • Eat it as a snack or breakfast
    pair curd with fruits, seeds, or nuts for a satisfying breakfast or snack. Berries, chia seeds, and nuts add fibre, healthy fats, and antioxidants, which make the curd more filling and nutritious.
  • Use it as a substitute in recipes
    curd can be a great substitute for higher-calorie ingredients like mayonnaise, cream, or cheese. Use it in salad dressings, dips, and sauces to cut calories without sacrificing flavour.
  • Watch your portions
    stick to one cup or around 150-200 grams per serving to avoid excess calorie intake. Even healthy foods can lead to weight gain when eaten in large quantities.
  • Choose it post-workout
    curd is ideal after a workout because it provides protein to help repair muscles. Adding a small amount of honey or fresh fruit can replenish energy levels as well.

How to eat curd if you’re trying to gain weight
While curd is nutritious, it can also contribute to weight gain under certain circumstances. Here’s how:

  • Choose full-fat varieties
    full-fat curd is higher in calories and healthy fats, making it more calorie-dense. This variety is a better option if you’re trying to increase your overall calorie intake.
  • Add high-calorie mix-ins
    pair curd with calorie-rich foods like nuts, seeds, honey, or granola to boost both its taste and calorie count. You can also blend it into smoothies with avocado, nut butters, and fruits for a nutrient-packed drink.
  • Incorporate it into full meals
    use curd as a base for thick, creamy sauces in pasta dishes or casseroles. You can even enjoy it with traditional rice dishes to add protein and calories.
  • Use it more frequently
    consider having curd multiple times a day, such as with breakfast, as a snack, or in meals like curries, which incorporate it well.

Final verdict: does curd make you lose or gain weight?
Curd can be an ally in weight management regardless of whether you’re looking to lose or gain weight. The key is to be mindful of portion sizes, choose the right type, and pair it with nutrient-dense foods that support your goals. By focusing on plain, low-fat varieties and combining curd with fibre-rich foods, those aiming for weight loss can use it effectively to stay full and nourished. Alternatively, full-fat curd with calorie-dense toppings can be valuable for those aiming to add a few pounds.

Photo: Shutterstock/Zhukovskaya Elena

As with any food, moderation is crucial. Whether your goal is to slim down or bulk up, curd can be a delicious, versatile, and nutritious addition to your daily diet.

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