


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:11 PM IST

Neera, goodness in every drop

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Neera, goodness in every drop

Adopting a healthy eating regime not only boosts our bodily function but also helps us get in shape. But are we drinking healthily?

Whenever we feel sluggish, we reach for that favourite energy drink or soda. But are we aware of the scary side effects of the so-called health drinks?

Mini Mathew who works in Coconut Development Board, Kochi says Neera, a packaged drink, is one of the most natural and nutrient-rich solution available in the today's market. She vouches that it keeps the body hydrated while its powerful antioxidants help us feel refreshed and energised. It also regulates the body's fluid balance, control temperature and digest food.

The drink comes from the coconut flower. “It supplements the body with natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids, calcium, phosphorous and is extremely good for the eyes,” says Mini.

Neera also contains glutamic acid, which is essential for protein synthesis, aiding digestion. It's also being used for post operative care, thanks to its high content of electrolytes. Among other things, it also facilitates clear urination and prevents jaundice.

Mini says the drink is diabetic friendly due to its low glycemic load / glycemic index. Low glycemic foods contain unrefined, complex carbohydrates that break down into glucose more slowly allowing a slower release of energy. Therefore it's better for controlling blood sugar levels in the body. Low glycemic index of coconut sap is mainly due to the presence of inulin, a natural source of carbohydrate present in more than 36,000 species of plants, including coconut, asparagus, wheat, onion, garlice, chicory etc.

According to a study in the Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, it is found that inulin could improve glycemic control and antioxidant status in women with Type 2 diabetes. Prebiotics such as inulin is also believed to support gut health, colon cancer prevention, blood sugar balance, lipid (fat) metabolism, bone mineralisation, fatty liver disease, obesity and immunity.

Coconut sap is also rich in inositol, which is essential for hair growth. It also prevents hair thinning and baldness to an extend. The drink helps reduce high cholesterol and is beneficial for the treatment of eye abnormalities, eczema and some cases of obesity.

“In Ayurvedic medical system, this drink is considered beneficial for pregnant women and emaciated children. Having Neera three of four times a week during pregnancy is believed to enhance the kid's complexion,” concludes Mini.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in My News are solely those of the author in his/her private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of Onmanorama, or any other entity of Malayala Manorama.

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