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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:27 AM IST

Manju reveals 3 life lessons she’d teach her younger self

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Manju Warrier Photo: Facebook

If we were to describe lady superstar Manju Warrier in one word, it would surely be ‘inspiring.’ The talented actress, who made a successful comeback to cinema after a 14-year sabbatical, has always been at the forefront of women empowerment, be it in reel or real life.

Manju Warrier

Perhaps, it isn’t her accomplishments in acting that impress us much, but how she has matured into a role model for every woman, who wants to live her dream while still rooting for causes she is passionate about.


But if Manju were to teach three life lessons to her younger, naive self, what would it be? Manju answers: “I’ve always been someone who takes life as it comes without any goals as such. Recently I visited some schools and colleges as part of the promotions of Udhaharanam Sujatha and happened to meet a lot of students. In fact, they made me realize how important it is to have dreams. Dreams give us the impetus to move forward. So never stop dreaming, I’d tell that to my younger self.


“Another thing is that most young women don’t know their true worth and power. They sacrifice their little hobbies and dreams for the sake of others, thinking we're bound to do so. But of late, I have started realizing that it’s a flawed logic. There’s no need to hold ourselves back from following our passion. And it’s not just for our own sake, but also for the happiness of those around us.


“And the last thing I would always like to remind myself is that never be so concerned about things that are of least importance to you. Just be yourself, that's my funda. A lot of things will happen around you. But if there is no truth in it, why should you unnecessarily respond to it.”

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