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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:03 PM IST

Candid chat with Merin Joseph

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Merin Joseph Merin Joseph, IPS

The young and dashing IPS officer Merin Joseph, is pleasantness personified. A youth icon indeed, everyone wants to know how she manages to stay fit and healthy despite her busy schedules. When we asked her to reveal her mantra to positive living, she was more than willing to share her fitness secrets with the young readers of Onmanorama.


Usually by the time the fitness training is completed, the officers have their physiques well-conditioned. Everything from horse riding, yoga, swimming etc. are all compulsory activities and we have to find time for this. With the various postings, it is hard to allocate time for fitness. But nevertheless, this has to be done.


A balanced diet, especially eating at the right time, is important to stay healthy. I don’t follow any fad diets but avoid oily or fried food stuffs. I don’t eat much packed, ready to eat items and I never starve myself. I just go for the healthier options.


My main pastime used to be studying. I enjoyed studying and used to prepare for my goal with utmost focus. Reading is a favourite hobby of mine. I am surrounded with books and I buy interesting books whenever I come across them. I enjoy travelling and while I travel, I love listening to music.


Whenever I get the time for it, I like to experiment in the kitchen. I enjoy reading recipes and do buy a lot of cookery books. I follow cookery blogs too.


It is only now that I have started watching movies. I want to catch up on so many police movies, especially those of Suresh Gopi. I enjoyed the film Bangalore Days very much.

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