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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:55 AM IST

A Kerala police station can give you lessons for life

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Kottayam: You may suddenly come across a bunch of students looking for the elusive X in a mathematical problem at this police station. Step in and you will find more students taking lessons in science and social sciences.

Welcome to the Karukachal station house where the police is literally reaching out and serving the people. The station and the officers help students who could not pass the Save a Year (SAY) examination to pass class X.

Principal sub-inspector Manoj Mathew, a postgraduate, handles Mathematics while civil police officers Unnikrishan and Ranjit teach social sciences. Unnikrishan is a postgraduate in electronics while Ranjit is BEd holder.

The tuition is given at noon on alternate days. All police stations were directed to focus on students who failed the SAY exam under the inspector-general's Operation Hope plan. The aim is to to bring the SAY-failed students to the mainstream. The Karukachal police has launched the program after they were inspired by this idea.

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