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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:43 PM IST

Samyuktha Varma shares how yoga upturned her life

Litty Simon
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Samyuktha Varma Photo: Samyuktha fans club/FB

Actress Samyuktha Varma choose to keep herself away from the limelight after marrying actor Biju Menon. A convenient answer that Malayalis found to justify her absence on screen was that perhaps she is busy with household chores and her son. But well, that's not just about it. Onmanorama caught up with the graceful actress on International Yoga Day to know how the actress keeps herself fit and healthy.

Meditation, the begining

Samyukta was not really a fitness freak but was always interested in meditation. Later, when she took it up as a passion, she realized it's more than just lifestyle for her.

To learn more about yoga, Samyuktha joined a teachers training course from Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Shala seven years ago which aptly qualifies her to be a yoga instructor too.


The daily route to 'fit n fab'

As part of daily routine, she wakes up early in the morning at 5 am and practices for two hours. Once she is done with all household chores, she relaxes with meditation. According to her, yoga is not all about spirituality. It is more of something that grants peace of mind, helping us move away from the unwanted things in our minds. Yoga also gives her the freedom to eat what she loves, as it keeps no restrictions on one's diet unlike other forms of exercises.


Samyuktha is looking forward to pursuing a TTC in Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga.

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