


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:39 PM IST

Come, fall in love with this Calicut home: a blend of simplicity and aesthetics

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Exterior The 2,855 sq ft house is set on a nine cent plot.

When a house is an exciting mix of simplicity and aesthetics, you are sure to fall in love with it! This house in Chevayur in Calicut is one such home. The owners of this house is a dentist couple and hence, there had to be a spacious consulting room, ample light and air circulation in the interiors, and privacy for the rest of the family. This summed up the demands that Dr. Joseph Kurian put forward to his designer Vinay Mohan. All these aspects were effortlessly incorporated into the stunning design.

Interior A contemporary architecture style that suits the climatic conditions of Kerala was adopted here.

The 2,855 sq ft house is set on a nine cent plot. A contemporary architecture style that suits the climatic conditions of Kerala was adopted here. The elevation is a combination of slope roof and flat roof. Truss work was done on the slope roof and blue-shaded roof tiles were laid over this.

Interior A glass pergola connects the car porch and the veranda.

Along with beauty, the roofing also ensures that an optimum temperature is maintained in the interiors by controlling heat.

Living space alse ceiling with themed lighting adds to the pleasant ambiance in the interiors.

A glass pergola connects the car porch and the veranda. The cladding done on the wall adjacent to the main door welcomes the guests first. There are separate formal and family living areas.

Dining room A coating of wooden finish paint on this imparts the look and feel of wood.

The family living area, dining area and the kitchen follow an open style layout. The TV unit comes in this space. The formal space maintains good privacy. The furniture are all custom-made pieces. A simple dining table that can seat six is the focal point in the dining area.

Living space Landscaping has been done on a small portion in the front yard with some pine trees and other plants.

A small curio shelf has been given near the table. False ceiling with themed lighting adds to the pleasant ambiance in the interiors. The false ceiling is a combination of gypsum and veneer. A coating of wooden finish paint on this imparts the look and feel of wood.

Living space Cross ventilation makes sure that there is ample natural light and air in the interiors.

Cross ventilation makes sure that there is ample natural light and air in the interiors. The courtyard with a skylight opening doubles up as a prayer area.

Kitchen The design is in such a way that you can get a view of the courtyard from the dining area, the kitchen and also from the stairs.

The design is in such a way that you can get a view of the courtyard from the dining area, the kitchen and also from the stairs.

There are four attached bedrooms in the house and all the bedrooms have been given a minimalist decor style. The kitchen and pantry space are quite simple too.

Bedroom There are four attached bedrooms in the house and all the bedrooms have been given a minimalist decor style.

Landscaping has been done on a small portion in the front yard with some pine trees and other plants. The design continuity of the theme is reflected on the compound wall. Spending time in their family living area during breaks from work is a great stress-buster.

A small balcony with seating space on the top floor acts as a good informal gathering spot for the family. This house balances sophistication and simplicity excellently!

Project Facts

Area - 2855 SFT

Plot - 9 cents

Location - Chevayur, Calicut

Client- Dr. Joseph Kurien

Design - Vinay Mohan

VM Architects, Calicut

Email -

Mob - 9633822771

Read more: Latest From Lifestyle | Decor | The house that’s ship shape!

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