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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:03 PM IST

Vaastu tips to maintain prosperity in your house

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Even if a house is built according to Vaastusasthra, following certain rituals are essential to beget the intended good result. It needs sincere effort to sustain the Vaastu of a house. Mostly, trivial aspects that we tend to ignore can invite bad omen. Vaastu of a building is decided based on the direction, measurement and energy of the land. It is the duty of the homemaker to preserve its natural energy and thereby ensure that peace and prosperity is maintained.

Here are some practices that must be followed by the homemaker to bring peace and prosperity in a family.

- Wake up the family members with prayers before sunrise .

- Light a nilavilakku (lamp) both in the morning and evening. The lamp should be kept either on a small stool or in a tray and should be lighted either towards east or towards west. Keep fresh flowers, incense sticks and some fresh water in a bronze pitcher in front of the lamp.

- Ensure that the nilavilakku which is a symbol of prosperity is kept clean and no insects have fallen into the oil.

- Hang a picture of the favorite god/goddess above the main entrance.

- Ensure that the family members offer prayers daily. Make sure at least one meal is had together everyday.

- The family members must not lie down, sleep, have food or comb hair at dusk.

- The house should always be kept thoroughly clean. Family members should be encouraged to keep the order of the house intact always.

- Unused items should be collected and promptly disposed. Avoid throwing or burning garbage in front of the house. All corners of the house should be kept clean always.

- Prayer room can be on the Easanakon, which is the north-western corner. Keep the area most clean.

- In order to improve the mutual understanding of the family members, it is good to sleep with head towards east.

- Do not keep furniture in the center portion of the house which is the Brahmasthanam. Do not keep mirrors facing towards south and if you have one, keep it covered while not using it.

- To preserve unity among family members keep a family picture facing the south-west direction or facing the main entrance.

- It is beneficial to have tulsi, nelli and koovalam plants in the property where the house stands.

- Do not practice lending of money or groceries on Tuesdays, Fridays and at dusk. On special days and birthdays have vegetarian food.

- The sacred texts Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam,Bhagavad Gita, Devi Mahatmyam along with sandalwood paste, turmeric, sindoor etc should be kept in the living room for every one to see.

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