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Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 09:57 PM IST

KMRL chief pedals down a Kochi street to popularize cycle share system

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KMRL chief rides pedals down a Kochi street to popularize cycle share system KMRL managing director Elias George inaugurating cycle sharing system by taking a cycle ride in Kochi

Kochi: Keeping in line with its policy of promoting clean and efficient modes of transport, Kochi Metro Rail Ltd. (KMRL) introduced a public cycle sharing system in the city on Monday. KMRL managing director Elias George inaugurated it by taking a cycle ride in Kochi.

Under this system, commuters can use bicycles free-of-cost from four cycle racks set up in the city. The present cycle racks are: opposite Gateway Hotel at Menaka Junction; on KK Road, near Kaloor Bus Stand; under the north bridge, near the North Railway Station; and at the main entry of South Station.

“We are planning to expand the system to other areas in the city if the present plan works out,” said Elias George.

The cycles, kept locked up at these locations, can be taken away and returned there itself or at any of the three other racks. The maximum limit is 100 hours per month, after which the cycle cannot be unlocked.

The locking and unlocking is done through the club. For membership, send an SMS to 9645511155 with details: your name-space-address-space-mail ID-space-job-space.

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