


Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 06:57 PM IST

This star kid's samosas are a hit at IFFK

Gopika K P
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iffk-jagan-samosa-corner Here’s what you get from Samosa Point- Kilikoodu, Lollipop, egg samosa, chicken samosa and around 15 other snack items.

Thiruvananthapuram: Those who are attending the 22nd IFFK are in for a surprise at Tagore theater. Delegates can meet the son of director Shaji Kailas and actress Annie and also have some sumptuous delicacies from his Samosa point.

Jagan, a BBA student, along with the help of his brother studying in 10th grade, started the counter at Tagore theater premises and has already become a hit.

Here’s what you get from Samosa Point- Kilikoodu, Lollipop, egg samosa, chicken samosa and around 15 other snack items. Jagan has already decided to take up his mother Annie’s culinary interest into his own business idea.

Though this is just a small counter, the original shop named Samosa Point was started a month back in Vazhuthacaud by Jagan.

“It was Kamal, Sibi Malayil, and Suresh Kumar who asked Jagan to put a stall here and he was very much interested in this offer. When Jagan is not in the stall, his younger brother likes to look after the counter though he is just learning the whole process,” Shaji Kailas said.

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