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Last Updated Sunday December 13 2020 02:54 PM IST

IFFK is one of the best in world: Hassan Nazer

Ramesh Chandra KP
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IFFK is one of the best in world: Hassan Nazer Hassan Nazer

Thiruvananthapuram: The International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) is one of the "well organised" film festivals in the world, said director of Afghan movie 'Utopia', Hassan Nazer.

"I would like to thank International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) for the well organised festival," he said in an exclusive interview with Onmanorama.

"I'm really impressed. Here everything is in order. The organisers have done wonderful job," he said.

"I've attended more than 20 film festivals and I can say this is one of the well organised film festivals in the world. Better than many in the west.

"Here, the film market, transportation and programming is good. Oraganisers look after all the guests very well," he said.

Speaking about movies in India, he said that the country lacks an art-film structure. "I have my movie screened here. I'm glad that my film is shown in IFFK. But, I think, India need some movie structure for art-films," he said.

"Here the majority of the movies are commercial ones. But I've recently seen some trend of rising art films in this country.

"These festivals can introduce more cultures, people to the Indian audience. Here you have a big audience. It's an advantage for foreign films. For foreign films its a big market." he said.

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