


Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 11:41 PM IST

No Malayalam film at IFFI today

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Panaji: Around 40 films will be screened Saturday at the 47th edition of the IFFI, though there aren't any Malayalam film included in the list.

With the screening of Veeram Friday, all the Malayalam films selected for the festival have been shown.

Some of the top picks for the day include "Mellow Mud" directed by Renars Vimba (Latvia), "It's only the end of the world" by Xavier Dolan (Canada/France), "Sieranevda" by Cristi Puiu (Romania) and "Paterson" by Jim Jarmusch.

Oscar winning cinematographer Robert Yeoman will conduct a master class on cinematography for the delegates. A panel discussion on promoting short films through new technology is also scheduled for the day.

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