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Last Updated Thursday December 17 2020 02:23 PM IST

Checklist for easy everyday eco resolutions

Jyothisha V J
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Checklist for easy everyday eco resolutions this June 5

1. Replace those plastic bottles with glass bottles. If you don't have the confidence to handle these gorgeous yet brittle beings, choose steel or mud bottles instead. Carry a bottle of water with you and avoid buying new bottles. Remember to refill the bottle when you catch a meal somewhere or at your office water cooler.

2. Say no to the straw next time you sip up your favourite juice or shake. Straws are one of the most extravagant plastic pollutant and takes more than 100 years to decompose. Opt for paper or bamboo straws instead.

3. Takeaways are common, so as far as possible, insist on nature-friendly packaging or just carry your own utensils. Most hotels won't mind- it saves them packaging cost too.

4. If you remember your cloth bag only at the shop counter, make sure you fold a small one and keep it in your bag always. If you drive around, keep one in your car or scooter all the time.

5. If you are one of those who still uses a pen, try to shift to ink pens. They stay with you and style themselves to your hand. Above everything else, they are as classy as it can get and saves hell lot of plastics in the form of refills.

6. Plastic is the cheapest and easiest fibre we have for storage and furniture, but honestly good quality plastic and natural fibres cost almost the same, if not cheaper. Also try to buy good quality plastics so that you generate minimum waste in the long run.

7. Sort your garbage and store them separately. Do not ever mix bio and non-bio waste. Plastic of different thickness levels can earn you money. Milk covers especially and the provision packaging can fetch Rs 15 upwards for a kilogram.

8. Use that electronic device to its effective lifetime. Necessary updations apart, spare a thought before you throw away that new device just for the sake of looks or style.

9. If you love planting, make sure you don't buy more plastic pots for this. Buy mud pots that breathe and keep the roots of your plant more aerated. You can also explore novel options like pots of latex and coir.

10. For saplings reuse the takeaway containers you may have at home. If you use coconut, the shell with the eyes is a very good planting pot. It can stand and can be pierced for draining extra water and creates zero pollution. For tap roots, use bamboo planters.

11. Reduce the use of detergents by switching to lighter chemicals or avoid it altogether by opting for a gentle wash with lemon squeeze for clothes soiled with just some seat.

12. Instead of your room fresheners that pump dangerous chemicals into the air, choose more natural options like lemongrass or just plants some mint.

13. Use newspapers instead of pulling that tissue for cleaning at least at home.

14. Carry a handkerchief, it can save a lot of tissues and can ensure you create lesser waste.

15. While choosing fabrics, try to opt for natural fabrics. Synthetic fibres are definitely fashionable, but release micro-plastics into the environment.

16. Upcycle all you can, from wine bottles to broken mugs.

17. Lastly don't ever try to become environment friendly by replacing all the plastic you have right now. Just make wise choices when you replace them after their effective life-cycle, else you are just adding to the mess. 

Read more: World Environment Day

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