Chocolate hearts to melt your loved ones

Chocolate hearts

If you are planning have some homemade treats for this Valentine's Day, then this recipe will absolutely charm your loved ones! They are easy, pretty and delicious.

200 gm plain chocolate
1 can condensed milk
For filling
200 gm desiccated coconut


Mix condensed milk with desiccated coconut
Melt chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl until no lumps are left after stirring, microwave for 15 seconds at a time.
Pour the melted chocolate into the heart shaped molds
Fill the coconut mixture in the center and pour the melted chocolate on top of it again
Add some heart shaped sprinkles on them
Freeze it until hardened. This will take about 2 to 4 minutes.

Leave them out for a minute and pop out of the molds to serve

1. If you don't have molds, pour onto a flat tray and cut into heart shapes with cookie cutter when set. 2. Instead of microwave, you can use double boiling technique to melt chocolate.

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