Special biryani puttu


This is a mouthwatering dish that is spicy, flavoursome and has the goodness of both puttu and biryani. Try out this unique recipe of delicious biryani puttu which is a filling meal.

200 gm chicken
1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
½ tsp turmeric powder
¼ tsp black pepper powder
Salt as required
1 ½ tsp chicken masala
½ tsp garam masala
1 ½ tbsp ghee
1 onion
1 tomato 
4 cloves garlic
Small piece ginger
2 green chillies 
Mint leaves as required
Handful of coriander leaves
1 cup rice flour
½ cup rice
Water as required

Marinate the chicken pieces with turmeric powder, chilli powder, black pepper powder and salt as required
Fry these marinated chicken pieces in ghee
In the same pan sauté onions, garlic, ginger, green colours and mint leaves
Add the chicken masala, garam masala, turmeric powder and salt
Sauté until the raw smell of the powders are gone
Into it add the fried chicken pieces and the coriander leaves
To prepare soft puttu, grind the rice with some water and salt in a mixer jar
Mix the puttu powder in this rice mixture
Fill the chicken masala and the puttu mix in a puttukutty (cylindrical steamer) in layers
Cook in steam.

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