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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 07:48 PM IST

Music director Achu Rajamani's 'Angel' explores existence of true love

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“Love cannot be hidden where it truly does…” and this quote has been perfectly revealed by music director Achu Rajamani of 'Urumeen' fame through his latest music video 'Angel'.

Directed by Narayan Nagendra Rao of 'Maalai Pozhudhin Mayakathilaey', the music video has Achu Rajamani and Dominika Kaminska in the lead. A bunch of talented technicians that includes choreographer Nanda, cinematographer Vasanth and editor Sanlokesh has made this heart-warming music video to travel in a different dimension.


''True love is not how you forgive, but how you forget; not what you see but what you feel; not how you listen but how you understand; and not how you let go but how you hold on…On the whole, true love do exist in these days (all days) and that's our Angel… Celebrate it…'' says music director Achu Rajamani.

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