Shahabaz Aman, who won the Kerala state film award for the best female playback singer, said he had to sing out aloud all the love he had stored in his heart while rendering the songs in Mayaanadhi.
“I am a great lover myself. If you listen to my songs closely, you can find a subtle tint of romance in each of them. Mayaanadhi revolves around love. I believe that it made me give my best,” he told Onmanorama.
The playback singer, who is known for his gazals, said he was always sure that the state award would one day come to him.
“I have never kept any other goal before me than fine music. But when you give your best in something, when you love and enjoy the work you do, you'll get an intuition that the work will be recognized the way it deserves. I was sure that this would come to me one day,” he said.
Expressing joy over the award, which was announced on Thursday, Aman said that he was thankful to the Mayaanadhi crew for the beautiful songs they saved for him.
“I can't remember the first person in my life whom I am thankful to. No one remembers that. So it is better to thank the people who are behind this immediate achievement. Of course, director Aashiq Abu tops my list,” he said.