


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 07:24 PM IST

Actor Vikram's daughter to get hitched

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vikram-family Vikram (L) and his family

Tamil superstar Chiyaan Vikram's daughter Akshita is all set to get engaged to Manu Ranganathan, son of C.K. Ranganathan of CavinKare, CK's Bakery.

The engagement ceremony is set to take place in July while the wedding is scheduled for next year.

According to reports, the couple have been in a relationship since sometime and are finally set to get married with the consent of their parents. Sources also suggest that Vikram wants it to be a low-key affair with only close friends and family participating in the engagement ceremony.

akshita-vikram Akshita

Manu is the great grandson of DMK supremo M Karunanidhi. The boy's mother is the daughter of Muthu, the first son of M. Karunanidhi.

vikram-manu Vikram and Manu

Vikram, who is currently busy wrapping up Iru Mugan, will take a week off from his busy schedule to make necessary arrangements for the engagement.

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