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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 08:29 PM IST

Trisha's mother seeks police protection for daughter

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Trisha's mother seeks police protection for daughter Fearing for Trisha's safety, her mother has sought police protection

Chennai: Actress Trisha's mother Uma Krishnan has lodged a complaint with the city police commissioner's office seeking protection for her daughter and action against those who hacked into her Twitter account.

Trisha's long association with PETA, which is aggressively campaigning against Jallikattu, has earned her the wrath of the supporters of the ancient and popular bull-taming sport.

Last week, angry protesters held up the shooting of her Tamil film "Garjanai" in Sivaganga district and demanded Trisha to come out of the vanity van where she took refuge.

The angry mob said that they will not allow her to shoot in Tamil Nadu unless she apologizes and withdraws her support to the animal rights organization.

Following the protest, Trisha release an official statement in which she wrote: "I have never spoken against Jallikattu at any point. I am a proud Tamilian by birth and I believe and respect in Tamil culture and tradition. I would never go against the sentiments of my own people who had been instrumental in my growth and stature."

Fearing for Trisha's safety, her mother has sought police protection.

In her complaint, Trisha's mother wrote, "She has been a dog lover since she was a child, and PETA associated with her for a photo shoot to adopt strays. That's where her association with the organization ends. We are Tamilians and we are not against Jallikattu."

Explaining about the post against Jallikattu on Trisha's Twitter page, she said, "Someone hacked her account and posted it. Trisha immediately deactivated her account."

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