


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 09:39 AM IST

This video of Sai Pallavi will make anyone go aww

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This video of Sai Pallavi will make anyone go aww

It has been a while since we saw our dear ‘Malar Miss’ on screen and so it was pleasantly surprising to learn that a Sai Pallavi video is exploding the Instagram.

The GIF video, titled ‘Cookie’ was posted by the actress last week and has already been viewed over 1,03,000 times. While we are not sure if Sai has a pet dog, the actress is seen petting a tan-and-white beagle, which seems bemused by the unwanted attention.

We presume the dog’s name is Cookie and that it hasn’t watched ‘Premam’ yet. Well, how else can anyone justify ‘Malar’ being turned down?

Check out the video here.

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