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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 03:33 PM IST

'Beep song' row: Simbu fans try to commit suicide

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Beep song: Simbu's fans try to commit suicide outside his house Simbu

It seems actor Simbu has been going through tough times with his recently leaked 'Beep Song'.

On top of the ongoing controversies, a group of Simbu fans have tried to commit suicide in front of the actor's house.

According to reports, four teenagers threatened to take their own life in front of the Simbu's home, if the charges pending against the actor aren't withdrawn immediately.

Sources suggest that the fans of Simbu have been detained by the police department.

It is reported that similar attempts were made in Vellore and a few other places.

Meanwhile, a new summon has been sent to Simbu and Anirudh to appear on January 2 at Coimbatore Police Station.

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