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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 01:29 PM IST

It's register marriage for Lalu Alex's son

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It's register marriage for Lalu Alex's son Before a traditional wedding, Lalu Alex’s son Ben registered his marriage with Meenu Cyril. Photo: Facebook

Actor Lalu Alex’s son, Ben Lalu Alex, got his marriage registered with Meenu Cyril on Wednesday. And the family photos from the event are going viral on social media.

Netizens were lauding the actor's son for deviating from the traditional path and going for a not-so-star-studded event.

But if reports are to be believed, a traditional wedding ceremony too will be held on February 6 at Holy Kings Church, Piravom. Meanwhile, the engagement ceremony will take place at a resort in Kumarakom on February 2.

Ben is currently working in Dubai as an engineer. Meenu completed her Masters from Bristol, England.


The eldest of Lalu Alex's children, Ben made his debut with Malayalam movie Orkut oru Ormakoottu.

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