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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 02:13 AM IST

Kottayam assistant collector all set for Mollywood debut

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Assistant Collector of Kottayam Divya S. Iyer is ready for new ventures.

After making waves by singing for an election campaign song, 'Viral thumbil Nammude Bhaavi', Divya S. Iyer is now all set to make her acting debut.

Divya will be seen in the role of a nun in an upcoming movie, Eliyammachide Christmas.

The movie, directed by Benny, will see KPAC Lalitha as the lead protagonist Eliyamachi.

“After my parents, the people who have inspired me the most are none other than sisters. When I was approached for this role, I felt this is one offer that I should not miss. As a responsible civil servant, I have always felt that there are many issues which old age people are facing now and this film will be a medium to address such kind of issues,” said Divya.

The movie is scheduled to start rolling by next week.

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