


Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 08:59 PM IST

Don't understand what is wrong with Mani's brother: Jaffer Idukki

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"Who is Ramakrishnan and what does he mean by making such statements," actor Jaffer Idukki was fuming when asked about his response to the allegations levelled against him by late actor Kalabhavan Mani's brother.

"I don't have the time to enquire about what he intends to say as I am someone who makes a living by doing all sorts of works. I really don't understand what is wrong with him. I don't think I need to make any clarifications on this. If police decide to make further clarifications on this, I will extend my full support. Otherwise, such statements won't affect me," Jaffer told Onmanorama.

Also read: Kalabhavan Mani's brother slams Jaffer Idukki

Earlier, Kalabhavan Mani's brother Ramakrishnan had posted in his Facebook account that Jaffer and some of Mani's friends had a get-together at a house near Paddy, where the actor was found unconscious. 

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