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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:17 AM IST

A fan told Mammootty to stop being arrogant and be like Mohanlal | Video

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A fan told Mammootty to stop being arrogant and be like Mohanlal | Video Mammootty at the event. Photos: DCBooksonline/YouTube

Interviews are often a fraught affair for celebrities and a handful of those are bound to turn sour now and again. But there are times when actors impress us with their grace and poise even when questioners go out of the line.

Recently, at the 35th edition of Sharjah International Book Fair, during an interaction with the audience, a fan asked Mammootty to stop being 'so proud and arrogant' and be more of a people’s person, like Mohanlal, the other big M of Malayalam movie industry.

When Mammootty asked him to make the question clear, the man elaborated that there is a public opinion that the matinee idol is quite unapproachable and it would be nice if he could change that aspect in his character to improve his public image.

While everyone else seemed bewildered by the offensive question, a cheerful Mammootty took it in stride and replied thus: “If it’s a public opinion, who should change that? You or me?”

Watch the video here:

The actor was at the annual literary fair to be part of a session exploring his three-decade-long journey in filmdom.

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