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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 03:04 PM IST

Is actress Ananya pregnant?

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ananya Ananya with husband

It's been a while that Mollywood got to see actress Ananya who shot into the limelight with the Mohanlal-starrer Shikkar. Post her wedding, the actress had a low phase in career and many reports claimed that Ananya is expecting her first child.

Ananya, in a recent interview with a daily, denied such reports and said, ''I have no idea how such news surfaces. We are happily married but we have no baby plans soon.''

Talking about if marriage affected her career, the actress said she did not feel any difference after marriage. "Malayalam film industry has started accepting married actresses now. They are even chosen for the lead roles and it is a positive change,” she said.

Now, Ananya, after a long time, has signed up a Malayalam movie - Tiyaan starring Prithviraj and Indrajith. The movie directed by Jiyen Krishnakumar will start rolling soon.

Also read: 'Tiyaan' – Prithviraj's next to be penned by Murali Gopy | stunning first look!

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