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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 05:18 PM IST

'Seventh day' actor Praveen Prem ties the knot

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Seventh day actor Praveen Prem ties the knot Praveen Prem's wedding was a private affair. Photo: Facebook

Malayalam actor Praveen Prem entered into wedlock on November 15.

The ceremony was attended only by close friends and family.

Praveen began his acting career in 2010 with the film Kadha Thudarunnu. His first major role in Malayalam cinema came through the movie Tournament directed by Lal in which he played Usman Ali.

Prem later appeared in several Malayalam movies, and took on the role of the hero in the 2013 movie Crocodile Love Story.

His role in the movie 7th Day had garnered praise from critics and the film went on to become a blockbuster.

Prem also made his debut in the Tamil film Dummy Tappasu, after director O.S. Ravi cast him as the male lead in the movie.

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