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Last Updated Friday November 27 2020 01:02 PM IST

AMMA stays mum, Edavela Babu gives comments a break

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The Association of Malyalam Movie Artists (AMMA) is yet to respond officially to the resignation of four leading actresses from the organization. Actresses Rima Kallingal, Geetu Mohandas, Remya Nambeesan, and another artiste had quit citing the association's 'insensitivity to their demands.'

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AMMA general secretary Edavela Babu told Onmanorama that it wouldn’t be appropriate on his part to comment. “Dileep has not been convicted. Once he proves his innocence and comes clean, the scene will be different. How will AMMA face him then," he said.

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“When we asked if Dileep should be taken back into the association, nobody opposed. Everyone applauded. Right now, I don't want to personally make any further comments on this issue," he said. 

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