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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 03:18 AM IST

Stay on 'Mohanlal' lifted, film to hit screens on Vishu

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Stay on 'Mohanlal' lifted, film to hit screens on Vishu The film, scripted by Suneesh Varanad will hit the theaters this Vishu season as planned earlier.

Kochi: The stay ordered by the district court in Thrissur on the film 'Mohanlal' has been lifted. The impasse was resolved after the makers of the film gave Rs 5 lakh to Kalavoor Ravikumar who had filed a petition alleging plagiarism against the film.

Ravikumar in his complaint had said that the film was based on his short story titled, 'Mohanlaline Enikku Ippol Bhayankara Pediyanu'. The writer claimed that the makers had breached an earlier agreement to give him the credit for the story.

Meanwhile, the director of the film Sajid Yahiya claimed that there was no copyright violation with regard to the film.

The film, scripted by Suneesh Varanad will hit the theaters this Vishu season as planned earlier.

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