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Last Updated Tuesday December 01 2020 03:16 PM IST

When Jayaram shaved Ramesh Pisharody’s head in public

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When Jayaram shaved Ramesh Pisharody’s head in public Jayaram made Pisharody get his head shaven in front of the audience at a function.

Dedicated actors are ready to go to any extent to make their role perfect in a movie. They would undergo amazing physical transformation for the sake of their characters.

In the forthcoming movie Panchavarnathatha, actor Jayaram underwent a similar situation to appear in a different avatar.

The actor will don a bald look in the movie, which marks the debut of actor – mimicry artist Ramesh Pisharody as a director. Initially, Jayaram was little hesitant to shave his head for the character.

But director Pisharody promised Jayaram that he too would shave his head to keep him a company. That was enough for Jayaram and he readily agreed to tonsure his head to essay the role in Panchavarnathatha. The film has Kuchacko Boban too playing a significant character.

But as the filming progressed, Jayaram noticed that Ramesh Pisharody went back on his promise and showed no intention even to have a hair cut. Pisharody didn’t mention about his promise till the film wrapped up.

However, Jayaram was not ready to forget his director’s ‘treason’. At a recent function Jayaram confronted Ramesh Pisharody on the stage and reminded him about his promise.

The actor made Pisharody get his head shaven in front of the audience, who enjoyed this funny episode. However, Pisharody continued through the programme in the same bald appearance.

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