


Last Updated Friday November 27 2020 03:32 AM IST

Thomas Isaac backs Samuel, seeks details of other contracts too

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Thomas Isaac backs Samuel, seeks details of other contracts too

Actor Samuel Abiola Robinson, who has been complaining about low pay for his role in the Malayalam film Sudani from Nigeria, has received support from Kerala finance minister Thomas Isaac.

Praising the film, Isaac, in a Facebook post, also hoped that the controversy surrounding it would be settled soon.

Samuel thanked the minister for the support and added that the producers of the film were yet to contact him over the pay issue. While sharing Isaac's post, the actor also sought the minister's intervention to make the producers give him a fair payment.

What Isaac's post said:

"After watching the film Sudani from Nigeria, I realised why minister K T Jaleel had insisted that I see it. The good heart of the villagers in Malappuram is depicted beautifully. Differences in religion or colour do not stop the villagers from making the Sudani a part of their family. The love and care showered on Samuel, the football player, along with the gifts like earrings and watch given to him were not part of any contract. However, I realise that Samuel received all these benefits only in reel life. His protest shows that in real life, Samuel was not given his due. To settle the issue, details of the contract with not only the Nigerian actor, but also other artists should come out. With the film turning out to be a big hit, I hope that all the grievances would be addressed."

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