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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 10:39 PM IST

Director Bhadran’s son’s wedding celebrated in Aadu Thoma style

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Director Bhadran’s son’s wedding celebrated in Aadu Thoma style Sara and Jerry Mattel enacted the characters of Mohanlal and Urvashi in 'Spadikam'

Pala: Malayali movie lovers cannot easily forget the super hit film Spadikam starring Mohanlal and his iconic character Aadu Thoma.

The silver jubilee of the movie was celebrated in style recently as it collided with the film’s director Bhadran’s son’s wedding. The movie and its spirit were celebrated in grandiose scale as the newlywed couple entered the reception venue in a lorry with ‘Spadikam’ written on it.

The guests were truly thrilled to see the grand entrance of the bride and groom, Sara and Jerry Mattel, as it reminded them of Mohanlal and Urvashi’s characters and their eventful ride in Thoma’s ‘infamous’ Ashok Leyland lorry.

Jerry and Sara are engineers at a firm in Bengaluru. The wedding was blessed at the Cathedral Church in Pala and a grand reception was held later at the St Thomas College Swimming Pool Auditorium.

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