The two superstars of Malayalam - Mammootty and Mohanlal - are known for their bonhomie and camaraderie. Now it's the turn of their sons to continue the legacy of the star friendship. It was quite evident in the Facebook post by Dulquer Salman in which he congratulates Mohanlal's son Pranav Mohanlal, who embarked on a film career with Aadhi. The post begins, 'Wishing my dearest Appu...,' has already gone viral.
Also read: Pranav Mohanlal's debut film Aadhi's motion poster released
The post read:
“Wishing my dearest Appu (Pranav Mohanlal) the very best for the first day of shoot for his new film!! I know how hard he's been working on his stunts and everything. It's going to be a real treat for everyone!! You're gonna rock and we all know it.”
Dulquer made his debut in Malayalam through the 2012 film Second Show directed by Sreenath Rajendran. The actor bettered his performance with each film he worked - ABCD, Bangalore Days, Njan, OK Kanmani or the latest flick CIA and carved a niche for himself among the young crop of actors, not just in Malayalam but in Tamil too. He went on to win the state award for best actor for the film Charlie.
As for Pranav Mohanlal, he first appeared as a child artiste in the 2002 film Onnaman starring Mohanlal and Ramya Krishnan. He had also won the state film award for best child artist for his role in the film Punarjani. Pranav was last seen in a cameo in Sagar Alias Jackie Reloaded released in 2009.