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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 12:10 PM IST

Actress Saranya Mohan has the perfect reply for fat-shamers

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Saranya Mohan has the perfect reply for fat-shamers Saranya with husband and kid

An actress cannot be fat or chubby even during or after pregnancy, as that doesn't fit the stereotypical beauty norms of film industry. Although many have come out against the cruel fat-shaming of celebrities, there's still a long way to go before we accept every body type as beautiful.

Actress Sharanya Mohan, who has had a baby recently, is the latest victim of fat-shaming. But unlike most actresses who just keep quiet, Sharanya took to Facebook and clapped back at her fat-shamers.

Along with a photograph of her son, she posted: ''Happiness is mother hood .

Happiness is feeding my son.

Happiness is taking care of my family.

and I am proud of it :)

‘Birth is the epicenter of women’s power.’ –Ani DiFranco''

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