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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 06:56 AM IST

Salman Khan wants to see Mohanlal's Pulimurugan

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Salman Khan wants to see Mohanlal's Pulimurugan Salman Khan wants to see Mohanlal's Pulimurugan

Yes, you heard that right. Salman Khan who is busy promoting his latest flick 'Tubelight' said that he is looking forward to watching the Mohanlal blockbuster movie Pulimurugan.

During an interaction with the media in Dubai, Salman was quizzed about Malayalam movies. Salman Khan, as you remember has acted in two remakes - Bodyguard and Kyon Ki. One was directed by Siddique and the other by Priyadarshan. 

'I am trying to contact Siddique who directed Bodyguard,' Salman added. Does that mean Salman is considering a remake of Pulimurugan? Only time will tell.

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